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A little taste of what we have been up to in North Hinckford.......

Fourth Sunday
Cafe Worship
10.30am St Andrew's, Bulmer
with Rev Gill and Rev Claire
​Refreshments will be served before and during the service.
All very welcome

with North Hinckford
1st Thursday of the month
10.30 am
3rd Thursday of the month at BELCHAMP ST PAUL
drop in between 10.00 -12 noon
Come and join us for
Coffee, tea and cake
Please bring your friends for what is always a happy social event.
Join us for chat,
fellowship and prayer

Would you like to explore the meaning of life, faith and God?
Alpha is a 10-week series that explores the basics of the Christian Faith in a welcoming, open, and friendly environment. It is free and there is no pressure or follow up.
Each session you will be hosted in a group where you will hear different topics on Christianity and have time to chat through any thoughts. You can say anything you like or nothing at all.
Everyone is welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited.
For more information please contact Rev Gill at revgillmorgan@outlook.com or Fiona Wildblood at fiona@northhinckfordteam.org
North Hinckford Team Registered charity number 1143196
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